Start your day with bourbon and you'll end up at the racetrack. That's what the Random Road Trippers learned living like Southern moonshiners today, as we concluded our progression through adolescent, testosterone-filled escapades at the only logical destination: the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.
A place where pre-WWII racers topped 150 mph on the original brick-surfaced track and modern Indy car drivers round corners at 220 mph. Execpt for a few symbolic rows of bricks at the finish line, the asphalt now covers the rest of the original 2.5 mile track - built in 1909 as a place for car manufacturers to test their mechanical creations.
To satisfy our need for speed, we took a 5-minute victory lap in a nimble tour shuttle bus, climbing to speeds of an astonishing 35 mph. We could have shattered our PR before we left the grounds if only Jason had listened to Ben. When is it a good idea to listen to Ben's suggestions, you may ask? Well, when you want to gain access to a world-renowned racetrack, max out your Honda's engine, and gain rights to a small Marion County holding cell - that's when.
As usual, Jason tuned out the Siren of Cedarburg, and instead directed us toward the museum filled with old Indy cars, ornate trophies, and racing legends of olde. While in need of a serious update, the museum and racetrack tour were a great way for the Trippers to live out one of life's most important fantasies. Fast cars; check. Now where are the loose women?
I hear there's loose women in Brooklyn.